Education is an imperative tool in making disciples. In order to fulfill this responsibility, on-going training has taken place in Toliara since April 2007.
The Diocese offers curriculum to equip people (both adults, youth and children) with the knowledge and tools they need. The Diocese holds trainings and workshops for this purpose, and People Reaching People sponsors dozens of children to attend school throughout the region.
Many overseas visitors come to the Diocese to share their wide variety of knowledge, interests and skills with the people – Bible study, healing prayer, silent meditations, cookery, sewing, voice production and protection, computer and internet skills, gardening and much more.

Vacation Computer Camp at the Education Building
Buildings at the Cathedral Complex grounds include a dormitory for the student evangelists (funded by the Diocese of Canterbury) and an Education Center, constructed with the generous funds from the Episcopal Church Women of the U.S. Episcopal Church.
Mahaboboka School in the Parish of Sakaraha
On May 18, 2014 a school was dedicated in Mahaboboka. It is a three-room primary school. The cost to build the school was $23,500. Ed McNamara led the effort and the Lord touched the hearts of people in the Potsdam, New York area to give.
At the end of July 2017, they had 103 students many of whom are unable to pay school fees. Supporters have helped supplement the three teachers’ salaries and they have now been fully paid through the support of the Diocese. The school fees generated enough income to only pay for the teachers’ salary through November.
St. Paul’s Primary School in Tsimahavaokely (Morondava)
We are proud to announce that this primary school is now open and was officially dedicated in November 2018.
‘Rooted in Jesus’ Sunday School program
‘Rooted in Jesus‘ came, from the UK and Tanzania, to train Sunday School teachers in August 2017. The Diocese has now launched this as their intentional discipleship program and it is being implemented in all the Parishes. This program is being led by Rev Derek and Jane Waller.