Promoting economic development and business training are priorities for PRP in combating the chronic poverty of the Malagasy people. People Reaching People is actively working to ensure sustainable solutions to the problem of slow or stunted economic growth. To do this, Todd and Patsy work with Churches to develop agriculture and animal husbandry businesses that will provide valuable financial resources to the parishes, bring in volunteers to teach women business skills and handicrafts, and facilitate bringing goods to market.
The Diocese has appointed a new full-time Director of Economic Development, M. Ialy, to lead strategic efforts in multiple projects in micro-enterprise and other job-creating activities.

Building a Tippy Tap for washing of hands, at Amboasary

Goat Project at Betioky
The Diocese has a full-time assistant coordinator of the Women’s Center at Andranomena, Chretienne Ralisoa.

In 2016 a Days for Girls Enterprise was established in Toliara. You can find out more about Days for Girls by clicking here. Overseas visitors to Madagascar can buy kits in advance ready to distribute to local women and girls, and local people can order directly in ariary. Thanks be to God for enabling us to achieve this so quickly!

Days for Girls Workshop 2016

Days for Girls Training 2018
- In July and August 2018, we trained 35 women to teach DfG’s health and hygiene programme; and also how to distribute kits. The women practised what they had learned by going to 13 churches / villages, 6 medical clinics and 1 school, where women and girls listened very attentively and were very excited if they won kits in the free raffle.
- The trained women taught the health and hygiene programme to over 900 women and girls (and a few men and boys)
- We gave out a total of 437 free kits .
- Ms. Harisoa was appointed to be the new DfG Assistant Coordinator for the next year. Having a person dedicated solely to DfG will hopefully improve sales, numbers of distribution, sourcing supplies in Mada, selling kits alongside disposable ones in stores, contacting Malagasy businesses for support etc.

Days for Girls Assistant Coordinator – Harisoa