The young McGregor family, Todd, Patsy, Corbi and Charese, founded the ministry of People Reaching People in 1991. Initially, as a first year missionary family, their work began in the city of Antananarivo, Madagascar and expanded into remote areas of the eastern rainforest.
The Early Years
While in Madagascar, Todd and Patsy served with the Archbishop of the Indian Ocean and the Diocese of Antananarivo in a variety of different capacities: teaching at St. Paul’s Theological College; implementing, developing and constructing nine health clinics; founding, administrating and constructing the School for Lay Ministry; constructing eleven new churches including the Cathedral in Mahajanga and church-planting the Ravinala Community – an international, ecumenical, English speaking church.
In 2002, the McGregors moved from Madagascar to Kenya to continue their ministry to the poorest of the poor in Eastern Africa and to the many nomadic and ethnic groups residing there.
Todd became the Director of Mission and Evangelism in Northern Kenya and an adjunct instructor of Church Growth, Evangelism, and Leadership at St. Paul’s United Theological College in Limuru, Kenya. Patsy managed and expanded St. Julian’s Centre, a retreat and conference center offering a beautiful and serene environment for renewal and refreshment. Together, they led Kenyan and international short-term mission teams to some of the “least-reached” people groups throughout the world, including the Borana, Gabbra, Rendille, Samburu and Sakuye tribes.
Patsy was ordained as a Deacon on November 27th, 2005 and ordained priest on September 3rd 2006 by Archbishop Benjamin Nzimbi, Anglican Church of Kenya, at All Saints Cathedral, Nairobi.
Work in the Diocese of Marsabit, included evangelism, church planting (7 churches) building of a girls dormitory for a secondary school , Management of St. Julian’s Center, Anglican Province of Kenya, Planting of St. Julian’s Chapel.
Our Return to Serve the People of Madagascar

Todd was consecrated missionary bishop to southern Madagascar at St. Laurent’s Anglican Cathedral in Antananarivo, Madagascar on December 10th, 2006. Working as assistant bishop of Antananarivo, Todd established a new missionary area.
In 2007, The Rt. Rev. Dr. Todd McGregor and The Rev. Dr. Patsy McGregor returned to Madagascar, now focusing on the most remote and poorest southern territories. The ministry continues to focus on the priorities of economic development, educational and evangelistic missions, adding a fourth priority in 2016 – engaging partners.
When the McGregors moved to southern Madagascar in 2007, there was only one church in the entire area. The area is approximately the size of England, with over 1,000 miles of coastland. It takes six days of travel on unpaved, very rough roads to travel from one side of the diocese to the other during the dry season. Travel during the rainy season is impassible.
Three new churches were completed and dedicated in 2008. Bishop Todd McGregor consecrated the new church building, Holy Trinity, on November 29, 2008 in Sakaraha. All Saints Church in Morondava, dedicated November 1, 2008, continues to grow and flourish. A packed congregation worshipped on Christmas Day in St Luke’s, Ankilifaly, with 200-300 in attendance, including youth and children. Discipleship groups continue to flourish, with a 6 am morning prayer group, Wednesday evening worship in English as well as several discipleship and small group gatherings throughout the week.
In March, 2009, the McGregor’s began a new partnership with SAMS-USA as a missionary sending agency. SAMS (Society of Anglican Missionaries and Senders) is one of the most established Anglican/Episcopal mission agencies, supporting missionary families for 150 years. SAMS provides administrative support as well as several additional benefits, including the ease of credit card and automatic monthly donation processes. The McGregors and the People Reaching People Board Members thank all those who support this ministry.
In 2009 we experienced over 300 Baptisms, 70 Confirmation and the establishment of 5 new church plants. Our Educational efforts included the training of 7 clergy/evangelists for ministry service, offering the Alpha program (an introduction course to Christianity originally founded in the UK) in two parishes to over 40 students, ongoing weekly English classes with 30-40 students, hosting a Saturday worship service in English and sponsoring 25 children for primary and secondary school education. Our Economic Development allowed the purchase of 60 acres for micro-enterprise farming, the start-up of two women-managed farming businesses and the receipt of an 11-acre ocean front tract for future development.
Ankilifaly: St. Luke’s Church, complete and dedicated on November 18th, 2007 with over 250 people in attendance.
Morondava: Church construction complete: All Saints Church dedicated on November 1, 2008.
Sakaraha: Church construction complete: Holy Trinity dedicated on November 29, 2008
Mahabo: The Chapel of St. Andrew was dedicated on November 8, 2008.
Ambohitsabo: St. Phillip’s Church, dedicated May 8th, 2011
Tolagnaro: St Gregory’s Church, dedicated May 1st, 2011
Tsimahavoakely: St. Paul’s Church, dedicated August 27th, 2011
Andranovory: Christ Church, dedicated Dec. 25th, 2011
Motombe: St. Michael’s Church, dedicated Oct 14, 2012
Morombe: St. Andrea’s Church, dedicated November 30, 2016
Miandrivazo: St David’s Church on September 12, 2017
Ankiliabo near Mahabo: We dedicated All Angels on September 16, 2017
Fenoarivo Parish: We laid the cornerstone for the new church construction on October 14, 2017.
New church facilities continue to be built. Many are replacements for the mud huts or wooden frames structures where people worshipped when the Church in that area was established.
CATHEDRAL COMPLEX: 2.5 acres of land was purchased for Cathedral and Bishop’s Residence in February, 2008. A final parcel of land was also purchased and the title process and sale completed in 2009. Construction began in October, 2009.
Housing for workers was completed in 2011
The Educational Center which has two offices, one classroom and one large meeting room was dedicated on May 7th, 2011
The Dormitory which accommodates 48 people, was dedicated on December 4, 2011
The Bishop’s Gathering Place (residence and offices) was completed on March 3rd, 2012
A Guards’ residence was completed in June 2012
The Dean’s residence was completed January 2013
Construction of St Patrick’s Cathedral, Toliara began in October 2014, and was completed in time for the dedication on 13th March 2016.
The Women’s Center at the Cathedral Complex was dedicated on 4th September 2016, during the National Mother’s Union Conference, with at least 3 Bishops attending.
ASSISTANT BISHOP FOR THE DIOCESE: Thanks be to God for the consecration of Bishop Samitiana Jhonson Razafindralambo on February 25th, 2018! He serves God in the Diocese of Toliara, as Assistant Bishop. His wife, Holy, has been appointed as Education coordinator for the Diocese.
MISSIONARIES IN THE DIOCESE: Thanks be to God also for the arrival in the Diocese of CMS Missionaries, Rev Derek & Jane Waller and SAMS Missionary, Jacky Lowe. Derek and Jane are teaching the Rooted in Jesus discipleship program in the Diocese and Jane is also teaching English to the staff and other local people. Jacky is living and working at the Women’s Center, working closely with Chretienne, Harisoa and Mme Holy.
We are continuing to implement new Church plants for the ministry, frequent use of the education and women’s centers, constructing clergy housing, and implementing new programs. The financial needs for our current work remains high, with a budget and vision requiring over $350,000 annually. We welcome your prayers, participation and support and invite you to partner with us as we serve God in His ministry, vision and purposes for Madagascar.
Todd, Patsy, Corbi and Charese McGregor founded the ministry of People Reaching People in 1991. Initially, as a first year missionary family, their work began in the city of Antananarivo, Madagascar and expanded into remote areas of the eastern rainforest.

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