The Rt. Rev. Dr. Todd McGregor and the Rev. Dr. Patsy McGregor are currently ministering in Toliara, Madagascar, serving the most remote and poorest southern territories of the island. Todd is from Vermont. Patsy is from Florida. The McGregors’ sending companions are mainly from the Episcopal Dioceses of Southeast Florida and Chicago.
Todd’s birthday is February 16th and Patsy’s birthday is August 21st. Their wedding anniversary is July 27th.
Todd & Patsy’s Calling:
In seminary Todd and Patsy were teaching an adult Sunday school at St. David’s Episcopal Church in Glenview, Illinois, speaking about the importance of going to the least reached places in the world. As they taught and processed the lessons they decided that they would serve the “least of these” in Madagascar.
The McGregor family began as a pioneer missionary family, beginning their work in the city of Antananarivo, Madagascar in 1991. Todd was consecrated the first bishop of Toliara at St. Laurent’s Anglican Church in Antananarivo, Madagascar on December 10th, 2006. Patsy was ordained as a Deacon on November 27th, 2005 and ordained priest on September 3rd 2006 by Archbishop Benjamin Nzimbi, Anglican Church of Kenya.
Todd & Patsy’s Story:
Learn more of their story through Patsy’s books describing their experiences serving in Africa – A Guest in God’s World, The Detour and Tamana: At Home in Africa. These can be bought from and
Todd & Patsy’s Ministry:
The McGregors are in the Toliara Region of Southern Madagascar, one of the poorest and most un-reached places on earth. Their task involves serving and coordinating the Anglican Church in an area the size of Florida, and because the area is so large and the road system so limited, one of their main focuses is raising up and training leaders who can serve the Churches all over this vast region.
In their ministry, they try to focus on serving the people in four ways: Evangelism, Education, Economic Development and Engaging Partners. The people here have many struggles, sometimes just to find water, which mean none of Evangelism, Education, nor Economic Development can truly be done without the other, and the support of people outside Madagascar is needed.
The Malagasy people they serve and work with come from many walks of life. Some are farmers who have never finished high school. Some are university graduates from the capital city, Antananarivo. Some are children of the local shaman. The diversity of the people is one of the challenges as well as one of the blessings of being here.
Christ has been faithful and the McGregors’ ministry has grown from only 1 church building and 11 worshiping communities in 2006, to over 108 Churches and a Cathedral in 2019! Praise God, for his word never returns empty and his work is never done in vain!